ATLANTA — “Welcome to our most favorite asset of our house,” Rutherford Seydel said.

Most people don’t do interviews on the roof of their house, but to Seydel and his wife, Laura Turner Seydel, showing off their solar power system is one way to celebrate the passage of House Bill 57. Called the Solar Power Free Market Financing Act, it will make it easier and more affordable for Georgia homeowners and businesses to put solar panels on their rooftops.

The bill, expected to be signed into law by Governor Deal, allows home and business owners to finance installation, which can cost anywhere from a few thousand to up to $15,000. By financing, homeowners can avoid the upfront costs and pay for their system over time with what they save on their monthly power bill.

Click here for the full article and video clip of Laura Turner Seydel and Rutherford Seydel.